Paralympic heritage is rich with stories of peoples experiences and memories. We would like to invite you to take part in writing a short story from the perspective of an object from our collection. 

The chosen object is the uniform worn by the Paralympic athletes at the parade for the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Paralympic Games.

Team GB parade at the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Paralympic Summer Games

Athletes parade at the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Paralympic Games © GettyImages

London 2012 Paralympic Games athletes jacket for the opening ceremony

The jacket on display at the National Paralympic Heritage Centre

The London 2012 Paralympic Games

The London 2012 Paralympics were an iconic Games, these Games broke many records attracting a record number of athletes and attendees, more broadcasters than ever before covered the event, athletes broke more records than ever before and people’s perceptions to those with disabilities were challenged and attitudes changed. In his closing speech the then IPC President, Sir Philip Craven, described London 2012 as:

the greatest Paralympic Games ever.


You can learn more about these Games on our website here

We want you to embrace the spirit of these Games in telling your story, be adventurous, be bold, be creative and tell us what you think it may have been like for an athlete, coach, flag bearer wearing the uniform for the London 2012 opening ceremony. 

Storytelling competition winners

Thank you for to all who entered we are delighted to share the top stories here

Cllr Mike Smith, Mayor of Aylesbury, in his Mayoral robes. Aylesbury Mayor, Cllr Mike Smith is delighted to be a judge in the National Paralympic Heritage Trust storytelling competition and looks forward to reading the many thrilling and exciting stories from those young and old.

Look out for our bookmaking workshop coming up later in the year, where you can turn your story into a book!


The winning story will be read by a Paralympian and the winner invited for an exclusive tour of the Paralympic Heritage Centre for a small group when it is safe to do so.

Writers Block?

Why not find some inspiration on our website by looking at some of our material? Search for ‘London 2012’ and you can read stories from Paralympians, volunteers and supporter’s stories. Here are a few to start with: