Visit our fully accessible virtual museums, tours and videos of our regional exhibitions and of the National Paralympic Heritage Centre below. Using 3D technology, you can ‘walkthrough’ exhibition spaces and zoom in on specific artefacts or artwork. You can access video, British Sign Language, text caption and audio-description options at points of interest.

Digital 3D Virtual Museums

Heritage Centre and permanent exhibition

Regional Exhibitions: Paralympic Heritage Stories


Please send us any feedback you have about our virtual museums and tours by filling in our exhibition feedback form. All responses are confidential and can be anonymous.

Viewing the Virtual Tours

  • For optimal performance of the virtual tour please view in full screen.
  • To view the highlight reel/thumbnails press the arrow in the bottom left hand corner.
  • To view the videos in the hotspots in full screen press the link.

Digital Explorations Museum

The Digital Explorations Museum celebrates the Paralympics in 3D objects. The content in this museum was created by a team of disabled people across Buckinghamshire who received professional training in the techniques of 3D scanning and photogrammetry, as well as a range of other curation skills. This museum showcases 20 of the 65 museum artefacts now available online, some that were previously uncatalogued and too fragile to handle, are now accessible, in a digital format worldwide to all. You can find out more about the project and enter the interactive 3D Museum here. Or watch the video walkthrough below.

National Paralympic Heritage Centre 

Widely acknowledged as the birthplace of the Paralympic Movement, Stoke Mandeville Stadium is home to the very first National Paralympic Heritage Centre. Our small museum brings the history of the Paralympics and its stories of human endeavour to life through a rich display of objects.

You can find out more about the Paralympic Heritage Centre here or watch a video walk through of the tour on our youtube channel here. Audio commentary by Lisa Redford and David Reynolds at Bucks Vision.

Widgit Tour

The Widgit tour has been developed to use alongside either the Paralympic Heritage Centre virtual or video tours above. Click here to view the full Widgit tour or download as a pdf. Please contact us if you require an alternative format.

Widgit tour of the National Paralympic Heritage Centre

Widgit tour of the National Paralympic Heritage Centre Widgit tour of the National Paralympic Heritage Centre Widgit tour of the National Paralympic Heritage Centre Widgit tour of the National Paralympic Heritage Centre

National Spinal Injuries Centre, Stoke Mandeville Hospital

In collaboration with Buckinghamshire NHS Trust, this exhibition tells the story of the National Spinal Injuries Centre. From the life-changing advances in treatment developed by the tireless research of medical staff, to the inspirational tales of patients. It will give you a unique insight into the remarkable history of the most famous spinal injuries centre in the world.

You can find out more about the exhibition here or watch a video walk through of the tour on our youtube channel hereAudio commentary by Lisa Redford and David Reynolds at Bucks Vision.

Regional Exhibitions: Paralympic Heritage Stories

Cartwright Hall Art Gallery & Museum

In collaboration with Bradford Museums and Galleries the 'Paralympic Heritage stories from Bradford' regional exhibition ran from January to June 2019 in the beautiful setting of Cartwright Hall and the surrounding Lister Park.

You can find out more about the exhibition here or watch a video walk through of the tour on our youtube channel here. Audio commentary by Mia Stewart-Jones and Arsalan Anjum at SEND Inclusive Educational Service, City of Bradford.

Cliffe Castle Museum

In collaboration with Bradford Museums, the 'Paralympic Heritage stories from Bradford and Keighley' regional exhibition ran from June to November 2019. The large number of visitors were attracted by the many sports events and activity days which ran alongside the exhibition.

You can find out more about the exhibition here or watch a video walk through of the tour on our youtube channel here. Audio commentary by Ahmed Hassan and Owais Majid at SEND Inclusive Educational Service, City of Bradford.

Widgit Tour

The Widgit tour for Cliffe Castle has been developed to use alongside either the virtual or video tours above. Click here to view the full Widgit tour or download as a pdf. Please contact us if you require an alternative format.

Widgit tour of the Cliffe Castle Museum exhibition Widgit tour of the Cliffe Castle Museum exhibition Widgit tour of the Cliffe Castle Museum exhibition Widgit Tour of the Cliffe Castle Museum exhibition Widgit tour of the Cliffe Castle Museum exhibition

Gunnersbury Park Museum

The 'Paralympic Heritage stories from Ealing and Hounslow' regional exhibition ran from June to September 2019. It celebrated large scale Paralympic achievement alongside the grass roots achievements of local disability sports clubs. 

You can find out more about the exhibition here or watch a video walk through of the tour on our youtube channel here. Audio commentary by Lisa Redford and Claire Rider at Bucks Vision.

VeloPark, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park

The 'Paralympic Heritage stories from London 2012, the legacy 10 years on!' regional exhibition runs from April to October 2022. In collaboration with the London Legacy Development Corporation and Lee Valley Regional Park Authority this exhibition reflects on the 10th anniversary since the London 2012 Summer Games.

Audio commentary by Lisa Redford and David Reynolds at Bucks Vision.

Virtual Reality mode

Please use the links below to view our tours in Virtual Reality mode. The tours can be viewed on a VR headset using the free Matterport VR App (links provided below).

Free VR Viewing Apps (required to view in VR)

The best way of using the app is to open it on your phone, then minimise it so it's running in the background. Then click on the links above via your device and you should see the tour download to the app.