Waddesdon students will be working to inform their understanding of creating conscious and appropriate representations of disability. The use of language and imagery surrounding disability will be examined and challenged through creative workshops and discussion.

Find out about our workshops at the Primary and Secondary Schools in Waddesdon below, and more about our other community workshops here

Waddesdon Village Primary School

16th March 2022

The Year 6 students at Waddesdon Village Primary school enjoyed a workshop with sculptural artist Tony Heaton OBE. At the start of the workshop, Tony introduced the concept of beauty and difference through discussions around the body as seen in sculptures like the Venus de Milo in Paris and Mark Quinn’s representation of Alison Lapper which was the celebrated centre piece at the London 2012 Opening Ceremony. He showed the students how he had interpreted his own body in sculpture and elaborated on how a work of art, like the journey of an athlete, requires planning and teamwork, a concept they engaged with fully, as they created their display in flat-relief.  The final work is exhibited with pride in the school hall for all to see. The children interviewed Tony during the day and as young reporters found out more about his story and his career as an artist. Read George and Sami's interview with Tony hereand Charlotte and Nicola's experiences of the day here. Tony also wrote his own interpretation of the project; a project that was well planned and thoroughly engaging. 


2nd February 2022

Waddesdon Village Primary School students experienced a bit of a challenge when they launched their project with an assembly and demonstration from England’s most capped blind footballer Darren Harris.  Darren not only spoke to them about the misconceptions that surround visual impairments, he proved in his biography and live demonstrations that blindness didn’t have to represent a barrier to achievement.  Using spatial awareness exercises the students had a glimpse of the skills integral to the game of blind football and experienced a focus on striving for the competency required to participate rather than on the limits of the blindfold.

A thoroughly entertaining morning for the students which fed into their PE lessons and enlightened their perceptions of disability in a tangible and productive way.




What did you like most about meeting the Paralympian?

Liked the fact that they didn't regard their disability as something holding them back. Amima

What did you like most about meeting the artist and creating an art work with them?

The project put us out of our comfort zone and allowed us to challenge ourselves. Phoebe

What did you find out that is new to you?

Didn't occur to me that you could create 2D and 3D basketball shapes using cardboard. Saul

Waddesdon Church of England Secondary School

14th June - September 2021

Year 9/10 graphic design students from Waddesdon Church of England Secondary School met Helene Raynsford, Paralympian gold medallist rower from Beijing 2008, finding out about her personal journey and the impact of representations of para-sport, as seen in promotional material surrounding the Paralympic Games.  This was a theme built upon by artist, Caroline Cardus, whose experience as a disabled woman informs her reflective and language-based art form.  Students attended two valuable and insightful mentoring workshops with Caroline who talked with them individually about the work they were producing and the messages they conveyed, intentionally and unintentionally, which enabled the students to build on their work in an informed and conscious way. In September they held a Paralympic celebration event to showcase the work developed from this project.

Feedback from the school:

The project was an enriching experience for all stakeholders involved.

Display at the Paralympic Heritage Centre, Stoke Mandeville, December 2021


Paralympic celebration event, September 2021