I have a History and Politics degree from Queen Mary, University of London. I’ve worked in both the for profit and charity sector.

I like dog walking, taekwondo, participating in quizzes, motorsport, running and cycling.

I learned about this project via the Autism Buckinghamshire charity after my previous job was made redundant. I’ve enjoyed heritage and history since I was a child and really enjoyed the London 2012 Paralympic Games which changed my view. Before I had been ambivalent about the Paralympics. All those factors combined made the project a great opportunity for me. We’ve done tasks like writing captions for museum exhibits and sessions with Ben Ryan and Rupert Todd of Ursae Ltd, sessions with News Associates School of Journalism and a professional photographer.

When we were able to go to Stoke Mandeville itself to scan objects, learning to work with the software I’ll admit to being nervous. When I get nervous my motor skills suffer and I struggle with practical tasks as I have done in the past. Working with Ben and Rupert was great as I proved to myself that I could do such things and do work that they were happy with.

I have learned that I can do more things that I initially think I can’t do. I’ve learned to be more confident in myself and my abilities. I’ve enjoyed all of it.  I’ve also enjoyed spending time and working with the others in the group.

To find out about the other team members involved in our Digital Explorations project click here