C: Cook off Expand All Paralympic athletes need excellent meals to keep them in tip-top condition, so why not organise a cook-off. Whether you organise an excellent dining event with entry costs, or a cook-off bake sale, the possibilities are endless!
D: Dance-a-thon Expand Can you keep dancing all day? Take part in an all-day dance-a-thon to raise money for NPHT. Bust a move and watch the money count mount up!
F: Film Night Expand Make your home a cinema for the evening and set up your own movie night. Charge for seats and even make your own cinema goodies like popcorn. You could even watch Rising Phoenix on Netflix, which tells the inspirational tales of Paralympic athletes and explores the Games’ remarkable history.
H: Hero Day Expand Dress up as your favourite hero for the day, this could be your favourite Paralympian, movie star or favourite footballer.
J: Just Giving Expand A very easy way to fundraise is to set up a Just Giving Page. Give yourself a deadline to raise a certain amount of money and choose how to fundraise.
K: Karaoke Night Expand Get those chords warmed up and take the stage as your favourite icon, Madonna, Elvis or even sing some classic Robbie Williams angel. The choice is yours. Just be careful with the high notes.
P: Paralympic Sports Day Expand Create your own Paralympic Sport’s Day. That’s right, why not hold your own Paralympic Games, it will all be worth it as you sign up competitors in exchange for donations.
R: Running Race Expand Always considered yourself a champion of athletics. Now is your time to shine and host your very own running race tournament! Take it one step further and sign-up sponsors and see your donation count rise!
S: Sponsored swim Expand Why not challenge yourself with a sponsored swim and put your athletic ability to the test for NPHT! Swim miles and raise money through donations.
W: Walking Challenge Expand Can you battle through the British countryside? Well, get on your boots that were made for walking and host your very own walking challenge for NPHT. Pick a start and finish destination, set up a Just Giving Page and start your fundraising in preparation for your event!
Z: Zumbathon Expand Encourage your local Zumba group to take part in a Zumbathon and raise money for us at the NPHT. Get fundraising and get active!