About us Reports and policies NPHT Trustees’ Meeting Summary Thursday 2nd March 2023 Meeting held at the BPA Offices, London, with a Zoom option. Chairman's Welcome RM declared the meeting quorate and welcomed all attendees. No conflicts of interest declared. The Minutes from the last meeting were approved with no amendments. The CEO confirmed that the Matters Arising from the previous meeting were either completed or progressing. Financial Update The Trustees were given an update from the recent Finance & Development Committee meeting. The Trustees were advised that the Trust is in a sustainable financial position after recent confirmation/receipt of grants. The Trustees were asked to think of any network contacts, corporate funders, to open conversations in favour of the Trust. Office Accommodation update - an outline agreement is in place and work is underway. The team should be able to move in at the end of March or beginning of April. The Trustees voted to approve the Management Accounts and the cashflow report. CEO, EVM and LO Update The EVM’s (Engagement and Volunteer Manager’s) report and the LO’s (Learning Officer’s) report read by the Trustees in advance. Highlights were presented by the CEO. The EVM has been focusing on building the Volunteer Base and collaborating with them to improve the Heritage Centre for blind visitors. The LO’s report highlighted the final projects for HS2 are underway, due to be finished by the end of June. The CEO report highlighted an external evaluation report is in progress for past 6 years. Weekly visitors: 11,000 visitors have been recorded since the last Board meeting at the end of November. Sam Brady’s PhD would be finished in the 12 months. The CEO has had several conversations with Loughborough University about further academic opportunities with the Trust. The Archives and Collections reports were read by the Board in advance and presented by AC. With the Project Archivist leaving a system is in place to continue the work overseen by AC. Armillary Sphere: the CEO presented the report. The Trustees agreed to keep the plates only. Governance Issues The CEO reported no changes to the Risk Assessment since the last meeting. 3 policies were discussed and approved subject to minor amendment: 1. NPHT Reserves Policy, 2. Equality and Diversity Services and Activity Policy, 3. NPHT Equal Opportunities Policy. 1 Vacancy for independent Trustee. Next Board Meeting Dates Thursday 25th May 2023 11:00-13:00 The Windsor Room, The Gateway Thursday 21st September 2023 11:00-13:00 Sydney Suite, Olympic Lodge Thursday 23rd November 2023 11:00-13:00 Location TBC AOB MM mentioned for the Trust to organise something for the 75th anniversary of the first games in 1948, on 29th July. WP are looking at doing something for this at the stadium. Manage Cookie Preferences