About us Reports and policies NPHT Trustees’ Meeting Summary Thursday 19th May 2022 Meeting held in the Olympic Lodge with a Zoom option. Chairman's Welcome The meeting was held in person in the Olympic Lodge with a Zoom option. The Trustees received an introduction from artist Jordan Baseman about his work for the Meeting Point art commission. The Minutes from the last meeting were approved with no amendments. The CEO confirmed that the Matters Arising from the previous meeting were either completed or progressing. Financial Update The Trustees were given an update from the recent Finance & Development Committee meeting. The Trust remains in a good financial position. The Finance Manager shared information about the Trust's move to Sage. The Trustees voted to approve the Management accounts, the cashflow report, and the budget for the next two financial years. CEO, EVM and LO Update The EVM's (Engagement and Volunteer Manager's) report and the LO's (Learning Officer's) report were read by the Trustees in advance of the meeting. The CEO shared updates about the Heritage Centre visitor numbers, including her target to reach a total of 20,000 visitors since reopening by the end of July 2022. There have been several cancellations of planned visits to the Heritage Centre due to Covid, so the Covid issue continues to be present. The CEO shared that the Trust's exhibition at the Velopark has launched with a lot of interest, with plans for staff and volunteers to bring the handling collection to the Velopark for special events during the summer. The Archives and Collections reports were read by the Trustees in advance of the meeting. The Trustees wished to record their thanks to PhD student Sam Brady, who placement with the Trust recently came to an end, for his contribution to the box listing work. Social Media Consultants from Bonner & Hindley presented a summary of their work for the Trust over the last year. Highlights include good statistics from the Trust's social media presence, new developments within fundraising via a new Text-To-Donate platform, and a greater online presence on sites such as Visit Buckinghamshire and Trip Advisor. Governance Issues The CEO reported that there were some minor changes to the Risk Assessment due to Covid being a reduced risk. The Trust's Accreditation status was also noted in the Risk Assessment. 5 policies were discussed and 4 were approved subject to minor amendments. There were no applicants for the vacant independent Trustee position. The Trustees suggested some changes to the website which might increase interest. The CEO reported that some of the Rothschild project participants were ready to begin paid work for the Trust, which was a planned outcome of the project. Next Board Meeting Date Thursday 22nd September 2022 AOB The Chair highlighted his thanks to the CEO and the team for achieving Accreditation. Manage Cookie Preferences