About us Reports and policies NPHT Trustees’ Meeting Summary Friday 24th September 2021 Meeting held at the Olympic Lodge with a Zoom option. Chairmans welcome Thanks to reopening procedures, the meeting was held in-person at the Olympic Lodge with a Zoom option. The Minutes from the last meeting were approved with no amendments. The CEO confirmed that the Matters Arising from the previous meeting were either completed or in progress. Financial update The Board was given an update from the recent Finance & Development Committee meeting. The Trust remains in a good financial position. The CEO highlighted additional methods of bringing in revenue, such as Amazon Smile, that we will be exploring. CEO, EVM and LO update The EVM (Engagement and Volunteer Manager) report summarised the Rothschild project, which began over the summer and will help us create a virtual exhibition of 3D-scanned objects. Participants have been able to come in and get involved in multiple aspects of the project. The LO (Learning Officer) report included information about the learning resources available for schools, the HS2 schools project, and the expansion of the Meet The Paralympian series – as the last talk attracted over 1000 people. The CEO shared updates from the Google Arts and Culture launch, which attracted 22,000 visitors to the website on the day after the launch. With new team members coming on board, there will be an away day on 4th November to plan the next 6 months. The CEO said that the Trust will be looking into bringing in a Corporate Development Consultant. The CEO presented the Archives and Collections Reports, which showed good progress. An archivist will start with Buckinghamshire Archives and work with us at the beginning of October. Governance issues The CEO reported that there were no changes to the Risk Assessment from the last meeting. 4 policies were discussed and 3 approved with minor amendments. Su Moore announced her resignation as a Trustee. The Chairman thanked her for her contributions to the Board during her term. 2021 Board Meeting Dates Friday 19 November 2021 AOB The Board discussed the possibility of more formal involvement in the Heritage Flame Lighting events, particularly for Paris 2024. This could be developed over future years but only if NPHT is supported for the work. The Chairman, CEO, and Emma Boggis agreed to manage performance reviews. Manage Cookie Preferences