origami paper crane

Hidden in this video of the Paralympic Heritage Centre are paper cranes (birds), your tasks are to:

  1. Find the origami cranes. How many are there? (Don’t include the paper tree or fruit!)

  2. How many Paralympic Games have taken place since Tokyo 1964?
    More information can be found here: paralympicheritage.org.uk/timeline

  3. Find and name two items on display relating to Tokyo 1964 or 2020?
    Watch our video tour here: paralympicheritage.org.uk/Event/heritage-centre

You can pause this film clip and zoom in to check for cranes.

Email your answers to [email protected] 

Why Paper Cranes?

Origami paper cranes were used at the Paralympic Games in Tokyo 1964, when garlands of them were given to athletes as symbols of good-luck and well-being. As we look towards the Tokyo Paralympic Games in 2021 we will be making paper cranes to form part of a magnificent display at Stoke Mandeville.

To make your own paper crane, go to our webpage here

We would love to see photos of your paper cranes, please email them into us at [email protected]