I have worked in museums and heritage for over 20 years and I joined this project originally as a volunteer, whilst furloughed in March 2021. I am hugely excited about the opportunities digital technology provides in making heritage collections accessible to all and so I was thrilled to become Project Manager in July 2021. Plus, I have always enjoyed making models the old -fashioned way, in clay; now I also enjoy creating 3D digital models too. 

The Paralympic story is such an inspiring story of human endeavour; the fact that athletes show such determination and find innovative ways to reach their goals, really resonates with me.  Taking on the role of Project Manager has been challenging, due to the innovative and developing technology of 3D scanning but it has also been incredibly rewarding, working as a team with the other participants to overcome technical issues and achieving new and exciting things together.   

The highlight has been meeting and working with all my fellow participants, who themselves have had to overcome different adversities. It has been a true pleasure and an inspiration.  

To find out about the other team members involved in our Digital Explorations project click here