On the 14 August, launched the online catalogue for Disability Sport and Paralympic Archives held by Buckinghamshire Archives and the National Paralympic Heritage Trust, making them digitally accessible for the first time.

An image of a Special edition of THE CORD, the international journal for Paraplegics, to mark the 1960 Stoke Mandeville Games for the Paralysed in Rome

Over the past 12 years we have been uncovering and discovering items from these unique collections. We have received valued donations of items from individuals involved in the movement and we have meticulously catalogued them to enable public access.

We are delighted that from the 14 August these collections, which include those related to the early Paralympic Games, will be searchable from anywhere and available to all. It also provides the opportunity to learn about related collections, including those held at the Discover Bucks Museum on our behalf and the International Paralympic Collection.

These archives are of international importance. They include the history of the Paralympic Games from their development, as part of the National Spinal injuries Centre at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in 1944 through to and including the formation of the International Paralympic Committee in 1989. 


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